Grandstream’s GXV Series of IP Video Phones combines the functionality of an AndroidTM tablet to offer an all-in-one desktop communication solution. It is the ideal desktop device for busy professionals, executives, sales teams and receptionists as it offers instant access to a variety of voice, video, multimedia and application communication solutions. It offers a powerful yet cost-effective video device for any conference room.

IP Video Phones for AndroidTM
The GXV Series extends advanced video & audio communications to the desktop while offering tablet-like functionality and web access. Users will enjoy a powerful multimedia experience with these cutting-edge video phones.
Case Studies

BNS Distrubition Video Phones Case Study
Assisted living facilities and nursing homes all across the United Kingdom were in search of technology solutions that would allow them to provide residents with better healthcare options as well as social inclusion.
BNS Distribution, one of the leading communications distributors in the UK, sought to create a solution for assisted living centers that would provide telehealth and social inclusion options. They decided on Grandstream’s GXV series of Android IP Video Phones, which quickly gained traction with senior living facilities throughout the UK.