
We Are Here to Help


Large Network of Distributors

Our large, established network of distribution partners around the world ensures that we can always get you the products you need at the right price. Many of our partners specialize in working with service providers.  


Service Provider Pricing 

We offer special service provider pricing, which includes bulk discounts and other purchasing incentives. We know you are in business to make money, and we have a variety of options to ensure pricing fits your budget.


Product Demos & Samples

We will provide product demos and samples for your team to test and learn our wide range of solutions. We also will provide all of the sales and technical resources you need to feel comfortable with our products.


Tech Support

We know that endpoints are the main way your customers experience your service. We will provide all of the tech support you need, at any point, at no cost, to ensure you and your customers have a seamless experience.


Customization & White Label

If you need a specific product feature that we do not usually offer, we can build something custom for you. If you are looking for a white label option that allows you to brand your own endpoints, we offer that as well.


Marketing & Co-Branding

We will provide all of the marketing and sales resources you need to integrate Grandstream's solutions into your own offering. From marketing collateral to sales trainings and anything in between, we got you.

We Have Everything You Need


Over 190 Products & Solutions

With over 90 products in our portfolio, including more than 40 IP phones, we can provide everything you need to get the most out of your network. That also makes it easy for you to expand your offering with door access, physical security, WiFi, etc.

gdms featured image

Management Solutions

The Grandstream Device Management System (GDMS) makes deploying and managing our endpoints as easy as possible. This free cloud platform allows you to provision devices without touching them and provides an always-on monitoring & troubleshooting tool.



Our products are fully certified with most major platforms - it is required by our development process. Also, as an original SIP manufacturer, our close relationships around the industry makes it easy for us to add any new certifications you may need. 

We Offer Expertise


20 Year History & Proven Track Record

Founded in 2002, Grandstream was one of the first companies in the world to develop SIP products.  Therefore, we offer more experience and expertise than anyone in the industry. We have experienced at least double-digit growth every year in business, work with some of the biggest names in the service provider field, and have recently been recognized by Frost & Sullivan, Inc. 500, Deloitte, ITSPA, TMC and more. 


US-based, Globally Dispersed

Grandstream is headquartered in Boston, MA, USA and has presence in nearly every region of the world. We offer a large global distribution network, numerous warehouse locations, as well as regional sales and technical support teams in your time zone and language. No matter where you are located, we have a dedicated team ready to work with you.

Are you a Service Provider? Partner with us.

If you are interested in learning more about what Grandstream has to offer to service providers, we would love to chat. Drop us a note below and we will reach out to you as soon as we can.